Case Histories...

Noted Cases
Criminal Cases

Extensive representation since 1977 of wide range criminal matters with an 87% success rate. Includes successful representation at police station level. Recent 8 out of 9 cases represented police station resulted in No Further Action to be taken or discontinuance, due to expert handling at police station level. 

R –v- Campbell [1980] “listening bank case”

Baker –v- Chichester Justice

R –v- Ramsan [1984 ], large scale mortgage fraud with 11 Defendants, acting for main Defendant, acquitted on all substantial counts

R –v- Stout [1984] Serious assault on 12 police officers in open court and other counts. Acquitted on assault on police officers.

R –v- Johl [1990] Serious and complex fraud. “Fake Prince Faisal”. Count 1 alleged fraud of US$800 million. 10 count indictment, acquitted on 9 out of 10.

R –v- Davies [2001] . 66 counts of alleged handling computer and parts. Bail conditions include security, surety, daily reporting, surrender of travel documents, not to contact co-defendants. Case transferred from previous solicitors and obtained unconditional bail.

R –v- Giraudel [2001] . Alleging murder, torture, kidnap, blackmail and drugs. Convicted of blackmail and kidnap only.

R -v- Lotim Janani [2001] . Hitman murders.

R -v- O'Reilly [2001] . Allegation of murder as a result of stabbing during fight. Manslaughter, sentenced 11 months.

R –v- Cudworth [2001] . Allegation of murder. Convicted of manslaughter only.

Judicial Reviews

Azzopardi –v- Legal Services Commission [2002]. Successful application for judicial review against refusal to admit to Serious Fraud Panel.